Punchy primary hues and plenty of floral decorative details combine to embody the essence of Folk Art. This is the perfect decorating choice for those who enjoy a painterly style and joyful brushstrokes.
Vintage screen-printed florallinen, £15, Parna. Knittedbeaded fringe, £44per m, Osborne &Little. Cushion cover,£32, Parna. EmeraldGreen Estate Emulsionpaint, £46.50 per 2.5l,Farrow & Ball. Whitebowl and paintbrush,stylist’s own. Yellow Cloudsfabric, £110 per m,Bethie Tricks. Miniature alebowl, £750, RobertYoung Antiques. Skittlesand ball, £45, ArkAngel. Vintage paintedplate, £17.50, Parna.Wooden eggs, £350 fora collection, Lorfords. Yellowgarland, £6, Artique.
Moody Victorian is given a refresh withthis season’s rust and monochrome palette. Tiean eclectic collection of classical busts, plastermodels and Victorian silhouettes with patternedfabrics in a charming colourway to make yourtreasured finds take centre stage.
Isla velvet in Fox fabric,£55 per m, Neptune.Freemasons’ Hallarchitectural sculpture,£150, Chisel & Mouse.Framed music print,£950 for set of 10,Lorfords. Scala black trim,£65 per m, James Hare.Classical plaque, £220,Lorfords. Pair of miniBeswick dogs, £35 forthe pair, Rachel’s &Michael’s Antiques. LittleCress Raspberry fabric,£45 per m, Tori Murphy.Scallop Stripe Black fabric,£45 per m, Tori Murphy.Rajapur velvet fabric,£179 per m, Cole & Son.Plaster fragment (partof a collection), £240 forthe set, Lorfords. Barkfabric, £130 per m,Bethie Tricks. Silhouette,£175 (for three members ofSulivan family, only oneshown), Ray Best Antiques.Victorian silhouette of ayoung lady, £125,Graham Smith Antiques.Drummond Intelligent MattEmulsion paint, £86 for5l, Little Greene. Whitedish and paintbrush,stylist’s own. Victoriansilhouette ofa gentleman, £120,Graham Smith Antiques.
The classic colour scheme ofblue and white never failsto feel fresh. Pair ornatelydetailed wallpapers andDelft tiles with touches ofgold for a luxe effect that’sunderstated yet glamorous.
Atlas by Neisha Croslandtile, £34.94, Fired Earth.The Transylvanian ManorLa Voliere Indigowallpaper, £150 forthree rolls, Mind The Gap.Sunburst mirror withoriginal convex glass,£180, Lorfords. Bluepaperweight, £22,Rachel’s & Michael’sAntiques. Antique Frenchormolu and glass tablewedding casket c1880,£325, Regent Antiques.Swan Delft tile c1640,£270.33, Regts AntiqueTiles. Kiko brass foliageartwork, £16.95 for a setof three, Nkuku. Muettebraid by Nina Campbell,£35 per m, Osborne &Little. Rare Flower Delfttile c1630, £292.86,Regts Antique Tiles.Buttons, from 15p each,The Button Queen.Kingfisher Delft tilec1630, £202.75, RegtsAntique Tiles. Brasspandan box fromRajasthan c19th-century,£125, Indigo AsianAntiques & Interiors. Swanlapis blue fountain pen1930, £250, Vintage andModern Pens. Tapestrycotton jacquard fabric,£150 per m, Tori Murphy.Parker 61 Presidential 9ctgold fountain pen 1959,£675, Vintage andModern Pens. Blue airbubbles paperweight,£22, Rachel’s &Michael’s Antiques.
The rich, earthy tones ofnatural materials imbue thislook, which can be summedup simply as Arts and Craftsmeets tribal. Thehandcrafted printer’s tray,abacus, spoon, plumber’sdollies and rattle providestrong anchor points for thebold fabrics and tiles.
20th-century printer’s letterblock made for Liberty,£195, Lorfords. Africanbowl, £15, Focus on thePast. Cappucino Creamsheepskin, £69,Skyeskyns. Brown and blackKuba cloth (275cm x58cm), £750, AnneFowler. Cow Parsleyfabric, £99 per m, Cole &Son. Chelwood fabric byNina Campbell, £68per m, Osborne & Little.Antique treen sycamorecawl ladle c1860, £95;antique Japanese abacusc1880, £165;antique treen lignum vitaeplumber’s dolliesc1860, £65 for three, allJ Collins & Son. Alhambrawhite tile, £6.48 each,Fired Earth. Opium fabric,£130 per m, Bethie Tricks.Oval braid, £53 per m,Osborne & Little.Handmade Classic Hexagontile, £2.47 each, FiredEarth. Castle Moil SkyeClassic Matt paint in dish,£46.50 for 5l, Isle of SkyePaint Company. Artist’sbrush, £15, Lorfords.South African tribal rattle,£38, Trilogie. Terracottatile with mustard motif,£68 for three, Ark Angel.
Keep the promise of an Indian summeralive with Paisley-inspired textiles, plenty of teakand hand-carved elements alongside intricatelydecorated caskets and containers. Complete withturmeric yellow walls for everyday sunshine.
Almora by Kravet fabric,£72 per m, GP & J Baker.Knitted beaded fringe,£44 per m, Osborne &Little. Hand-carved woodenbracket, £65, Artique.Dutch Orange paint,£46.50 for 2.5l, Farrow &Ball. White dish, stylist’sown. Artist’s brush,£15, Lorfords. UchiwaOchre cushion (only covershown), £95, DesignersGuild. Brass Buddha,£45; embroideredbraid, £6 per m, bothArtique. Hand-carvedmarble dish, £48,Indigo Asian Antiques &Interiors. Old Indian coins,50p each, Artique. Gildedmirror-work octagonalbox from Rajasthanc1900, £395; antiqueIndian bowl, £68, bothIndigo Asian Antiques &Interiors. Woodenprinted block, £3,Artique. Clouds fabric,£110 per m; Inky Spotsfabric, £110 per m, bothBethie Tricks. 19th-centuryIndian parcel-gilt silvercomb, £1,550, MichaelBackman Ltd. Small goldbuttons, from15p each,The Button Queen. Jahigold bowl (containingpeppercorns), £7.95,Nkuku. Vintageembroidered floralcushion, £25, Artique.