The 2019 salesroom highlights

The 2019 salesroom highlights

We talk to some of the top auctioneers from the London and regional salesrooms to recount their most memorable sales of 2019

Published: January 21, 2020 at 4:10 pm

Every year, hundreds of auctions are held nationwide, from the glamorousChristie’s and Bonhams in London, to the welcoming premises of topregional salesrooms such as Sworders, Tennants, Lyon & Turnbull andCheffins. The internet has provided valued new customers to the auctionworld, but still plenty of clients like to attend in person on the day of aspecial auction to witness a little piece of theatre unfold! Here, we've asked some top auctioneers to reveal the best pieces they sold in in 2019...


Christies - Arlene Blankers, Head of Sale Management Decorative Arts

Christie's Arlene Blankers
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The sale:Silver & 19th Century Furniture,Sculpture & Works of Art, 23rd May 2019

Arlene Blankers became an auctioneer inMay 2018. ‘I feel privileged to take auctionsacross Christie’s, including everything frombooks and wine to post-war art and OldMaster drawings,’ says Arlene, who channelsher inner Beyoncé before stepping up ontothe rostrum, listening to the singer’s musicbeforehand. An auction in The Collectorseries stood out for its homely feel thatattracted bidders worldwide. ‘The sale, whichcovered antique silver, furniture anddecorative arts, was very inviting.’Lots she sent on their way included a17th-century German silver cup andcover with the mark of HansEmmerling that fetched £7,500 (est£2,500-£3,500) and a pair of late19th-century Meissenporcelain parrots, sold for£13,750 (est £6,000-£10,000). ‘I’m a massivefan of animals and I loveMeissen, so I hopedthese birds would fly.’

Christie's LOT 517
SOLD - These fluttering Meissen parrots went for £13,750. - -


Woolley & Wallis -Clare Durham, Associate Director& European Ceramics Specialist

Clare Durham, Woolley & Wallis
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The Sale: The Warner Collection of British Delftware, 17th September 2019

The Sale The Warner Collection of British Delftware, 17th September‘I got to know the late Sir Frederick Warner by unpacking hiscollection. It represented 50 years of his life,’ says Clare, who nursedthe 163-lot sale of antique English delftware. ‘On the day, we had 25collectors and dealers in the auction room, and 53 bidders online.’The sale ticked along nicely until lot 32, a rare mug c1740, got ‘anastonishing price’ of £1,800 (est £300-£500), then lot 33, a glassbottomedmug c1780-85, did even better, making £3,000 (est£250-£350). The pièce de résistance, however, was lot 163, a rareFecundity dish, made for a wedding in 1638, which took £17,000(est £8,000-£12,000), leaving the salesroom buzzing.

W&W lot 163 fecundity plate
SOLD - This rare Fecundity dish, made for a wedding in 1638, took a whopping £17,000. - -


Fellows -Stephen Whittaker, Managing Director

Fellows Stephen Whittaker
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The sale:Fine Jewellery, 12th September 2019

‘This was our first Fine Jewellery sale of the autumn and ashowcase for the very best jewellery we have to offer,’ saysStephen. ‘There were a lot of people present in the room, online,and phone bidding. Since the introduction of our own biddingplatform [Fellows Live], online bidding has gone from strength tostrength and this sale was no exception, with bidders joining fromacross the globe.’ Special things included lot 24 and lot 450;brooches both estimated at £450-£650. The early 19th-centurydiamond crescent brooch made £2,169, while the diamond andpear cherub fetched £1,914. ‘One of the most alluring pieces wasby Jean Schlumberger for Tiffany & Co – a mid 20th-century gold,demantoid garnet and enamel Dauphin brooch.’ The piece soldfor £10,208 (est £6,000-£8,000), much to Stephen’s satisfaction.

Fellows 287
SOLD - This Tiffany & Co brooch sold for £10,208. - -


Catherine Southon Auctioneers -Catherine Southon, Director

Catherine Southon auctioneer
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The Sale: Summer Antiques Sale, 17th July 2019

‘The summer sale is always a favourite – weopen the patio so people can sit outside andhave a drink by the lawn in-between bids,plus my children are off school so I have afew extra pairs of hands,’ says Catherine,who this year also hosted BBC’s Bargain Hunt.She started the bidding with a collection ofScandinavian furniture. The prices set thetone – five Wishbone chairs by Hans Wegnerwent for £2,432 (est £400-£600), and a 1960sround lounge chair by Jørgen Baekmarkmade £1,155 (est £300-£500). ‘We also had alarge collection of jewellery and vertu, whichcame to us in 12 dusty cardboard boxes, withearrings separated, necklaces tangled, andbracelets fragmented. It took my teamseveral weeks to unpack, catalogue andphotograph it, and I was delighted that itsold for £40,000.’ Gems included a mid19th-century French scent bottle thatmade £120 (est £80-£120) and acollection of 19 Georgian andVictorian hard stone intaglionovelty fob seals that made£550 (est £200-£300).

Catherine Southon scent bottle
SOLD - This sweet scent bottle defied expectations, selling for £120. - -


Lawrences - Richard Kay, Director, Pictures

Richard Kay, Lawrences
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The Sale: Pictures, 5th July 2019

Lawrences holds four mammoth fine artsales a year. ‘When I’ve catalogued every lotin the paintings section, I like to bring it allto a conclusion up on the rostrum,’ saysRichard. Despite soporific heat, bidding wasbrisk, with prices ranging from £100 to over£20,000. Highlights included lot 1419, an1839 watercolour of Venice by William Wyld,consigned by a local hospice, estimated at£600-£900. ‘It sailed to a remarkable £3,000and the charity was overjoyed.’ Richard hadfirst seen the final lot, a watercolour byDame Laura Knight, at a client’s house 15years ago. ‘Lamorna Cove in south Cornwallwas the ideal image for a summer auction ina West Country salesroom,’ he says. It made£11,250 (est £10,000-£15,000).

Lawrences Lamorna Cove
SOLD - Richard first spotted Dame Laura Knight’s glittering view of Lamorna Cove 15 years ago. It made £11,250. - -


Rosebery's - Bill Forrest, Head of Asian Art

Roseberys Bill Forrest
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The Sale: Chinese, Japanese & South EastAsian Art sale, 21st May 2019

An extra frisson of excitement wasadded to the first of Roseberys’ Asianart sales this year by the presence of afilm crew from China Global TelevisionNetwork. One of the main focuses was acollection of Chinese scroll paintings.‘A 19th-century ink and watercolourhanging scroll by Ren Yi, depicting ared crested crane (est £1,000-£1,500)received a volley of bids, taking the finalprice to £25,000,’ says Bill. The lot of theday came later as he opened the biddingfor a set of 14 Korean paintings by KimJun-Geun, depicting everyday life inKorea in the late 19th century(est £15,000-£20,000). ‘Only threebidders were interested in this set ofpaintings, one of whom was in the room.After bidding had risen to £35,000, twophone bidders took seven minutes to getto the hammer price of £92,000.’

Roseberys 369
SOLD - With an estimate of £1,000- £1,500, this 19th-century ink and watercolour scroll by Ren Yi far exceeded Bill’s expectations making £25,000. - -


Tenants Auctions - Jane Tennant, Director

Jane Tennant, Tennants Auctioneers
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The Sale: Summer Fine Art Sale, 13th July 2019

Jane Tennant learned auctioneering fromher uncle, John and her father, Rodney. ‘Iuse a rosewood gavel given to me by myfather, and every time I climb up to therostrum I’m immensely proud to becarrying on a family tradition.’ A collectionof portrait miniatures from the estate ofMary, Countess of Gainsborough, piqued herinterest. ‘Miniatures were carried close tothe heart as love tokens, celebratingromantic love or mourning a death.’ For her,the highlight of the 34-lot collection wasnumber 330, a 17th-century oval miniatureof a lady with her hair falling overone shoulder by artist Peter Cross,who worked at the royal courtand was one of the lastminiaturists working inwatercolour on vellum.Estimated at £2,000-£4,000, the miniature soldfor £5,500 on the day.

Tennants miniature lot 330
SOLD - This dainty miniature went for £5,500 on the sale day. - -


Sworders - Guy Schooling, Chairman

Guy Schooling Sworders
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The Sale: The Principal Contents of Alderley House, 23rd July 2019

Guy was sitting by a pool in Vietnam when an email arrivedasking whether Sworders would be interested in conducting thesale for Alderley House, ‘a dreamy Cotswold country house’. A fewweeks later, 60 storage containers turned up at the Essex auctionhouse, containing over 350 items of 19th-century antique furniture,carpets and accessories. On the day, fewer people than normal hadregistered online and he was a little concerned, but it soon becameapparent that the principal bidders were all in the room, attractedby the beauty of the house and its interiors. Highlights included lot39, an early 19th-century mahogany extending table by J Alder ofCheltenham that made £6,000 (est £2,000-£4,000), and lot 55, a pairof giltwood pier mirrors that went for £5,600 (est £2,000-£4,000),and lot 206, a Kirman carpet c1930, sold for £1,900 (est £200-£400).

Sworders rug lot 206
SOLD - This Kirman carpet c1930, went far beyond its estimate making £1,900. - -


Lyon & Turnbull -Theodora Burrell, Specialist inFine Furniture, Works of Artand Decorative Arts

Theo Burrell - Lyon & Turnbull
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The Sale: Five Centuries: Furniture, Paintings& Works of Art from 1600, 4th September 2019

Theodora has been auctioning since 2012 atLyon & Turnbull’s deconsecrated churchsalesroom, and always uses a small silvergavel owned by one of the directors. Fullyequipped, she stepped up to the rostrum toauction around 150 lots in the Five Centuriessale, a quarterly smorgasbord of high-qualityold furniture, art and decorative antiques. Thesale included a selection of 18th-century glassconsigned by the collector Mr G S May. ‘Lot133, a large Duke of Cumberland engravedglass goblet of the mid 18th century with ananti-Jacobite theme, was special because itwas sold by the highly regarded glass dealerand author, Arthur Churchill,’ says Theodora.A tussle ensued with an online bidderwinning out after a couple of minutes, paying£18,750 (est £6,000-£8,000) for the gem. ‘I feltreally pleased that the goblet was going to agood home in Scotland, to someone passionateabout this period of glass.’ A gorgeous Welshcarved fruitwood betrothal wall shelf (lot 212),dated 1778, also caught her eye and sold for£2,750 (est £800-£1,200) to a Welsh collector.

L&T 571-212 Welsh wall shelf 2
SOLD - Making £2,750, this Welsh betrothal wall shelf is a beauty. - -


Chiswick Auctions -Adrian Biddell, Head of Paintings & Fine Art

Chiswick Auctions Adrian Biddell
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The Sale: British and European Fine Art, 6th March 2019

Chiswick Auctions lot 114 - John Constable, A Woodland Glade
SOLD - The cheaper of the two on offer, this woodland scene sold for £40,000. - -

‘This was my first auction for Chiswick Auctions, after joiningin January 2019, and the owner was sitting in the front row,’recalls Adrian, who is ex-Sotheby’s. This quarterly sale, withits variety of art, is always popular, but interest intensifiedthanks to lots 114 (pictured) and 115 – two pen and ink sketchesof a woodland glade, c1832-35, by John Constable. ‘Part oftheir appeal was their size (2in x 3in), yet they’re soexpressive.’ The artworks belonged to the late playwrightChristopher Fry and, after much detective work involvingleading Constable experts, their provenance was proved. TwoUK phone bidders battled over the treasures. The first sold for £40,000, the second for £75,000 (est £5,000-£8,000 for both).


Special Auction Services - Thomas Forrester, Director

SAS Thomas Forrester
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The Sale: Photographica, 23rd July 2019

Thomas, who you’ll recognise from TV’s Bargain Hunt, hasbeen an auctioneer for over 20 years and one of his specialismsis cameras. Last March, he was approached by a Swedishfamily wanting to consign a very rare 1930s Leica Gun – acamera attached to a rifle-shaped support made at thesuggestion of African explorer and wildlife filmmaker AttilioGatti. ‘The late owner had built up a fantastic collection ofLeica and Hasselblad cameras and accessories during the1950s and 1960s,’ says Thomas. Weighing over200kg, there was only one way to get thecollection to the UK – by car. ‘A colleague andI spent two days getting to Stockholm.’ Thefamily thought the Leica Gun was worth€1,000, but Thomas valued it at £100,000.They were sitting in the front rowwhen he brought the hammer downat £138,000 to a Hong Kong collector.

SAS Leica Gun camera
SOLD - Making £138,000, this collectable camera is incredibly rare. - -


Cheffins - Martin Millard, Director of Fine Art

Cheffins Martin Millard
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The Sale: The Principal Contents of Mawley Hall,11th September 2019

When the family who owned early 18th-centuryMawley Hall in Shropshire decided to sell up, theyconsigned the principal contents to Cheffins. ‘Wesee lots of grand houses with beautiful things but tobe instructed on such a magnificent property asMawley Hall was a huge privilege,’ says Martin.Under his hammer went saloon chairs, gilded wallmirrors, desks, consoles, a D-end dining table andcabinets of all kinds. Early on, lot 555, a late19th-century Ziegler carpet, went way over itsestimate of £10,000-£15,000 to make £46,550 – anexciting moment. But it was trounced by lot 601, aGeorge III green lacquer Pembroke table withchinoiserie decoration. ‘It was in less than perfectcondition and had a very modest estimate of£200-£400, but bidding quickly escalated,’ saysMartin. The little table made an astonishing£26,960, due to speculation that ThomasChippendale was its maker.

Cheffins Pembroke table 601
SOLD - This delicate green lacquer Pembroke table was the star of the auction, selling for £26,960. - -


Dawson's Auctions - Peter Mason, Auctioneer and Valuer

Peter Mason Dawsons
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The Sale: A Collection of Martin Brothers Ceramics,21st September

Back in the summer, Peter Mason told his boss thatfinding a room full of Martin Brothers ceramicswas his holy grail. A week later, his dream cametrue when he uncovered over 50 pieces in the atticof a Surrey property. ‘Art pottery of the late 19thand early 20th centuries is my thing, and thisauction was by far the most thrilling of my career,’says Peter. On the day, a room full of people anddozens of online bidders steeled themselves to dobattle over the 48 lots. The first item (lot 201), a tallmask jug dating to 1912, fetched a buoyant £4,848(est £1,000-£1,500). A Wally Bird tobacco jar lidc1891 attracted a buyer with a lidless Wally Birdtobacco jar, but sadly wasn’t a match – instead acollector paid £3,062 to add the bird’s head to theirhoard. ‘The biggest sale of the day was the TripleBird Group, c1904, with articulated heads andbeautiful glazes,’ says Peter of the star piece thatmade £40,832 (est £25,000-£35,000). ‘When I cameoff the rostrum, I phoned the vendors straight awayto tell them that the collection had made £152,000in all. They were delighted, and so was I.’

Group of three Martin Brothers birds
SOLD - The biggest sale of the day was this 'Triple Bird Group' which made £40,832. - -


Bonhams - Charlie Thomas, Director House Sales

Bonhams Charlie Thomas
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The Sale: The Christopher Hodsoll Collection, 1st October 2019

In the autumn, a sale that Charlie had worked on for over sixmonths came to fruition – a hoard of antiques consigned by theinterior designer Christopher Hodsoll, from his home, MorvilleHall in Shropshire. ‘His collection was full ofwonderful treasures, and when I met him in his study he wassurrounded by piles of books, Georgian antiques and Victoriancuriosities.’ People love a single-owner collection and over 80bidders turned up on the day, with 11 phone lines booked. Of the297 lots, two stood out for Charlie. One was lot 154, a naïvepainting of Ned Baldry’s ‘shell’ (skewbald) horse dating to the mid18th century, which made £87,562 (est £40,000-£60,000). And theother, lot 172, a set of six 18th-century glass and brass hurricanelamps that fetched £16,312 (est £600-£800). ‘They were lovelyquality and four people wanted them. Auctions areunbelievably unpredictable.’

Bonhams Thomas Bardwell, 'Ned Baldry's Horse'
SOLD - 'Ned Baldry's Horse' by Thomas Bardwell sold for £87,562. - -

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